- Southwest Region Schools
- Enrollment
School Age
A child who is six years of age before September 1 following the beginning of the school year, and who is under the age of 20 and has not completed the 12th grade (21 if on an IEP), is of school age. (BP 5111, AS 14.03.070)
Required Documents/Information
Please bring the following to the school when registering your student:
- Birth certificate
- Tribal ID (if applicable)
- Immunization records
- Phone numbers of two emergency contacts (not the parent/guardians) in case the school is unable to reach you.
- Copies of legal papers if there is a custody situation.
- If transferring from another school, the name, location, phone, and fax number of the prior school
Enrollment Process
Once you have thre required documents/information, come to the school office and ask for an enrollment packet. The enrollment packet will ask for information about:
- The child
- Who the child lives with
- Medical conditions/allergies
- Tuberculosis risk assessment
- Indian Education
- Income survey (for free/reduced lunch rates)
- Migrant Education survey
Kindergarten Enrollment
Full Day Kindergarten:
All schools in the district offer full day kindergarten during normal schools hours.
When to Register:
Children must be five years old on or before September 1st to be enrolled in Kindergarten. If a student is under five years old on September 1st, but was enrolled in kindergarten in another school district, they can be enrolled in Southwest Region Schools upon receipt of the prior school's records. (BP5111, AS.14.03.080)
Schools attempt to complete enrollment paperwork for all students who will be entering Kindergarten the spring prior. This gives parents a chance to gather any missing paperwork and for students to be enrolled for the first day of school.
Required Documents/Information
Please bring the following to the school when registering your student:
- Birth certificate
- Tribal ID (if applicable)
- Immunization records
- Phone numbers of two emergency contacts (not the parent/guardians) in case the school is unable to reach you.
- Copies of legal papers if there is a custody situation.